Building Life-Changing Self-Care Habits

Ayurveda teaches us empowering self-care habits that will transform your health and your life. For many of us, there are things about our life we would like to improve or maintain. We may find it frustrating to experience and discomfort in this ‘body home’ and not have relief.

Daily routine touches on how we care for ourselves; from the thoughts we hold on to, to the food we put in our mouth, to the way we care for the earth we inhabit.

Whatever you deposit into your life each day is what you can expect to withdrawal. Ayurveda is . .

Ayurveda is a journey to create a balanced lifestyle
Ayurveda is focused on preventative practices

Ayurveda is designed to meet each persons unique needs (on any given day)

Ayurveda is about bringing balance to body, mind and spirit connection

Ayurveda is daily routine, nutrition and daily study as a method of finding balance

Ayurveda is the knowledge of ones self and the wisdom to be in optimal health

Ayurveda is activated through herbal medicines, special diets, meditation, yoga, massage, laxatives, enemas, and healing oils

As I approach a milestone birthday, I realize how the body is changing. Ayurveda teaches me each day to journey in a more positive way. To slow down. Pay attention. Choose wisely and surrender to what is . . .

“You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.”

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