Day 2 - Let go of loved ones, possessions, control - 7 Days of Spiritual Practice

Sadhana - Day 2 of Spiritual Readings with Liz Glover Wilson


On my spiritual journey, there has always been the re-emerging theme or call to ‘die to self’ and live a life of ‘non-attachment.’ These scriptures from my childhood echoed throughout my life, as I continued my love for the holy bible, and expanded my knowledge with other beautiful ancient scriptures such as the Upanishads and Yoga Sutras.

Yet, I did not really grasp what letting go meant, or more importantly ‘why’ we need to let go. I have suffered tragic loss of loved ones, possessions, and all of us—during COVID—lost control. I would think was the letting go.

In my Sadhana today, I was reminded of another form of letting go. This is about surrendering and letting go of the influence and power that loved ones, possessions, jobs, media and status have over your life. It’s about letting go of the stories you tell yourself and others project on to you; whether grand or self defeating (or swing from one to the other).

Let it go.

It’s letting all these things dissolve in light of infinite love. Here you begin the process of coming back to your authentic self and your inner purpose.

Contemplative Practice:

In the contemplative practice, we seek to remove the layers of fog that have built up over a lifetime. Each day, we come to that sacred space and we find the stillness needed for the healing work of the spiritual practice. This is not a quick fix. In fact, I am uncomfortable to use the word fix when we talk about the spiritual practice. It implicates that we are broken and need to be fixed. Sure, there are places (deep places) that need healing, but we are not beyond repair. We are divine, and the Sadhana helps us come to the Divine Source and come back to our original state again, and again. As many times as their are days, hours and minutes.

Let go and surrender:

Today’s practice.

Pause and Be Still
As I enter prayer and the contemplative practice, I pause to be still; to breathe slowly; to re-center my scattered senses upon the presence of the Divine. May myself be guided by the greater Self/God.

Today, we let go of the stories and we sit in the knowing . . . The concept of letting go can be scary. Just saying the words out loud can cause a reaction of worry or fear. It can make you want to turn around. We have so many stories and stuff that ‘prop us up’ and we know deep inside that to let go means it may get unstable for a while.

Know that you are divine. You are unique and have purpose. You have the power and strength within you to start letting go of those things that don’t serve you.

It’s time to change your vibration one daily spiritual practice at a time.

What you hear, what you say, and what you think creates an energy, a vibration. If we dwell on thoughts of lack, scarcity and doubt, then those are the thoughts that rule and reign our life. If we allow our world to be filled with the hum of outside voices and influences. If we never give ourselves the (daily) time to connect with our divine nature, we remain in an never ending state of longing.

How do you change the vibration? Daily, we come into the posture of stillness and allow the healing. We invite the positive imagine that we reflections of the Divine. This is something to remind yourself of everyday. Begin to seed (plant) value into your life.

You ARE DIVINE. You walk through this life in the body that the ancients called the temple of God or the Holy Spirit.

The Christian scriptures say, That your body is the temple (or rather, a sanctuary) of the Holy Ghost (2 Cor. 6.16). In the ancient scriptures of the Rig Veda, it says;

The human body is the temple of God.
One who kindles the light of awareness within
gets true light.
The sacred flame of your inner shrine
is constantly bright.
The experience of unity
is the fulfillment of human endeavors.
The mysteries of life are revealed.
(Rig Veda)

How do we come into the sacred space inviting our divinity? Freeing our creative nature? Freeing our authentic self? Freeing ourselves from the weight of outside influence and toxicity?

Rewrite your story!

Consider creating a personal mantra to repeat everyday. I did this with some guidance earlier this year, and it has been life changing. Here is mine. Feel free to use it, personalize it or make your own.

I am the beloved (YOUR NAME)
Reflection of the Divine
I am LOVE unconditional
I am chosen and precious
The Divine is pleased with my authentic self
I trust the Divine

Yielding Prayer

Rewrite your story
focus on things that bring
life and love

And now,
dear brothers and sisters,
one final thing.
Fix your thoughts on what is true,
and honorable,
and right,
and pure,
and lovely,
and admirable.
Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise.

Philippians 4;9

Second Chakra:

We focus on the affirmations of this chakra today, and anytime we need healing in this area of our life.