Self Care - Part 2 - The Alarm Clock
I just recently bought an old fashioned alarm clock from Walmart. It has one tone that will make you sit straight up from your sleep. There is no ocean breeze setting, or light that gradually comes across the ceiling. This purchase is part of my self care.
Learning yoga can help you to be more mindful of your body, your choices and your breath.
You see, I started using my cell as an alarm and found myself too many mornings making my phone my priority. While I know that is not okay, it would happen. I would check my messages to make sure there were no alerts from students or teachers and then. . .the quick peek at instagram. Some of you may know what this is like.
The study of yoga invites us to a deeper level of awareness. We are asked to spend time daily reflecting on our breath, the earth around us and scripture/mantra. Over time this practice brings us to more self awareness. But self awareness is just the first step. We also have to take action.
Self-discipline, self-study and devotion are yoga in the form of action. Sometimes I get the feeling we go to yoga to forget, to trust that everything is going to be OK and melt into quiet meditation. But yoga requires action and courage. Courage to make the changes in ourselves and for our world.
Our cell phones can be hugely helpful, but they can also be toxic. As a step for self care, I invite you this week to observe your time spent on your devices (i.e. computers, ipads, social media, netflix, etc.). Notice the times of day you are drawn to these things. Are you using them for practical purposes or to numb yourself, fantasize or feed your loop of toxic news and fear based messages.
Once you observe, be sure to approach yourself with love and grace. Give yourself time and space to rewire your habits and (little by little) start the journey towards balance.